Friday, July 23, 2010

Anybody want a dog?

I was talked into taking home a stray black lab about a month ago. He isn't working out. He won't stay home, and the neighbors, while not as trigger happy as El Borak., have expressed that they'd prefer he didn't show up at their place. I take it to mean that their fingers are getting itchy. He barks. He appears to have hip dysplasia. He really has no useful attributes, but he is a nice dog.

He is gunshy, and I shoot once in a while, so I don't think that endears him to me. I tried putting the stay-home-shock-collar on him the other day, and he took off yipping all the way to the neighbors. Those things don't work well if you don't train the dog, so that is my failure, not his. I picked him up a mile south. He spends his time tied up to the doghouse, lest he run off.

I told Mrs. Giraffe he had to go, and she said she'd find a place for him. Time is up tomorrow, but I think he will get a stay for another week.

Sorry dog, I gave it a shot.

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